Top Truck Driver Safety Tips – The American Trucking Association and its Share the Road highway safety program encourage drivers of all kinds to pay close attention when going through work zones. Maintaining safety on the nation’s roadways is of paramount importance. This year’s National Work Zone Awareness Week took place April 8 through 12, with a theme of “Drive Like You Work Here.”

Share the Road professional truck drivers, with millions of accident-free miles under their belts, offer these safe-driving tips to keep both motorists and workers safe during the spring and summer construction seasons.

Work Zone Safety Tips

Heed these tips when driving through or near construction or work zones.

  • Be on alert for changes: Speed limits are often reduced in work zones. In addition, traffic lanes and patterns may change, and people will be working on the road or on the shoulder.
  • Have patience and consideration: Work zone crew members are working hard to make sure the roads are efficient and safe. Keep this in mind when sitting in traffic near a work zone. It’s their job to keep you safe, not aggravate you and make you late for work.
  • Slow down: Speeding is a top cause of work zone crashes, so slow down.
  • Don’t tailgate: Keep a safe distance between you and the vehicle in front of you. If they have to brake fast, you want enough reaction time to stop without hitting them.
  • Heed posted signs: Warning signs are designed to guide you through tough spots. Pay attention to them.
  • Stay alert: Work zones are rife with uncommon and unexpected obstacles, from cones to barriers. Pay attention to the road and your surroundings to avoid these obstacles.
  • Plan it out: When going on a trip, be sure to schedule it with extra time built in. Leave early and expect delays so you don’t have to rush when driving.
  • Remember blind spots: Don’t linger near trucks while on the highway, as they have large blind spots in front, back and on either side. Never cut in front of a truck.

Take the above safety tips seriously in order to stay safe. Making changes and implementing some simple safety practices can make all the difference within work zones.

Contact Taylor Oil

Taylor Oil is happy to heed all safe driving practices on the roadways. We are often on the highways and roads as part of our job, and understand how dangerous it can be. If you need a mobile fuel delivery or any other service this spring or summer, contact us today.

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