Top 5 Tips For Reducing Your Fleet’s Fuel Costs – Fuel represents one of the biggest cost expenditures for any fleet. In fact, in many cases, it can account for up to 60 percent of the operating budget! That’s why fleet owners and managers should be seeking out ways to reduce fuel consumption and costs, while increasing their bottom line.

Sure, cost of gas per gallon is out of your control, but there are plenty of other factors you can control that impact fleet fuel spend. These include anything from driver behavior to vehicle type and condition. Here are five ways to reduce your fleet’s fuel costs and save cash.

1.      Upgrade to More Fuel-Efficient Vehicles

The best way to improve your fleet’s fuel economy is to get rid of your older, underperforming, gas-guzzling, high mileage vehicles and replace them with brand new models that are more fuel-efficient with higher MPG ratings. You may even consider upgrading to vehicles that rely on alternative fuels or hybrids for overall better fuel economy.

2.      Perform Regular Maintenance on Your Vehicles

This is another great way to save money on fleet fuel. It’s important to schedule vehicle maintenance because it improves MPG by ensuring all components are functioning correctly and in the most efficient manner possible. Additionally, regular service will help to identify and resolve any issues before they can negatively impact fuel efficiency.

Even just checking and properly inflating your vehicle’s tires can boost fuel efficiency by up to three percent, says the U.S. Department of Energy. Your engine will also greatly benefit from regular service, as a neglected engine can result in fewer miles per gallon.

3.      Monitor Driver Behavior

Proper driver behavior can reduce fuel spend by between five and 10 percent. To ensure this, make sure you’re offering adequate and regular driver training. This will help them use more efficient routes, which leads to lower vehicle mileage and fuel consumption. Properly trained drivers will also adhere to speed limits for the best fuel efficiency possible.

And lastly, driver training promotes safer driving, as distracted, reckless, and erratic driving increases premature fleet wear, fuel costs and the risk of accidents. If you just eliminated engine idling, for example, you could save up to $6,000 per truck per year.

4.      Utilize Fuel Cards

Fleet fuel cards allow you to manage the fuel spend of your fleet, thus preventing fuel card fraud. Be sure to set strict parameters such as stations to visit, daily, weekly, and monthly transaction limits, fueling frequency, and amount of fuel per visit. On top of that, fleet fuel cards generate important data and reports that you can study to achieve better fuel management over time.

5.      Fleet Fueling

Investing in on-site fleet fueling saves a lot of money for your company. You hire a fleet fueling company like Taylor Oil to deliver fuel right to your fleet wherever you happen to be. You get access to competitive fuel prices, plus you save time since all your vehicles are fueled in one central place. With no need for your drivers to waste time driving to and from various fuel retailers, increasing vehicle mileage, you simplify the process and keep everything streamlined.

Contact Taylor Oil

Eager to reduce your fleet fueling costs? We can help with our onsite fueling and mobile fueling services. Call us today or complete our online form for all your fleet fueling and lubrication needs.

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