The Top 10 Reasons Why Retreads Are Better Than New Tires – Choosing retreads for your trucks will help you protect your bottom line while getting a look at the big picture. In addition to the cost savings for you, there are many economic benefits for the entire industry and energy savings for the planet. Here’s a look at the top 10 reasons why retreads are better than new tires.

1.      Reliability

Studies show that retreaded tires are more reliable when compared to new tires. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) agrees that “… retreaded tires are not inherently more prone to failure than new tires.” – John Woodrooffe, Director, Transportation Vehicle Safety Analytics at University of Michigan.

2.      Cost Savings

Retreads cost less than new tires, saving your fleet a lot of money on your third-highest expense after labor and fuel.

3.      Warranties Include Retreads

New tires are made to be retreaded. Most warranty the casings over several retreads and several years. The initial investment will pay dividends every time it gives you another tire life via retreading.

4.      They Wear Like New Tires

The latest compounding and tread designs allow retreads to feature wear-out mileage that is comparable to new tires. Recent tests performed found that retread brands outwore Goodyear Endurance WHA and Michelin XZUS22 – which are both premium new tires.

5.      Fuel Efficiency

Retreads happen to be some of the most fuel-efficient tires available. Out of 362 new and retreaded tires that were tested for rolling resistance, retreads were among the top 10 percent when it came to rolling resistance.

6.      Economic Benefits

Retreading helps to support 268,000 jobs within the domestic tire industry. The domestic tire and retread manufacturing industries boosted the U.S. economy by $28.4B back in 2016 with a direct benefit to the trucking industry of $3.2B.

7.      Energy Savings

Retreads need 68 percent less energy to produce than a new tire does. In fact, just one retreaded tire saves enough energy to power a house for more than a month.

8.      Oil Savings

Tires are basically petroleum products, with a retreaded truck tire requiring 15 fewer gallons of oil to make than a new tire. With 14 million retreads being bought each year, this is an annual savings of 210 million gallons of oil.

9.      Environmentally Friendly

Every year, 14 million retreaded truck tires are bought, preventing 14 million used tire casings from getting into the landfills and waste streams. If laid end to end, those casings would stretch from New York to LA and back again!

10.  Reduced CO2 Emissions

According to studies that compared the carbon footprints of new tires vs. retreaded tires, retreading results in a 30 percent reduction of CO2 emissions vs. making new tires.

Here at Taylor Oil, we do all we can to save our fleet money, and pass those savings onto you. Call us today to learn more about what we offer!

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