Heavy Equipment Grease: Tips to Get it Right

Choosing the right grease to lubricate your heavy equipment can be confusing at first. After all, there are so many types and brands on the market today. How can you be sure you’re using the right one to keep your heavy equipment in tip top shape? Using an all-purpose grease isn’t always the right decision, even though it can seem like a simple choice at first. So, does the grease you’re currently using make the grade? First, a look at why oil and grease are important. Just like your joints protect your bones when rubbing against each other, grease and oil make your equipment’s gears work seamlessly. They also prevent metal-on-metal grinding of moving parts. When you grease your machines the right way, you ensure a long-lasting shelf life for optimal performance through the years. Not only do you have to grease regularly, you have to use the right type of grease. Many of you may prefer to stick with one type of grease for convenience and for keeping a regular inventory. However, not all products are created equal. When selecting a grease, review the owner’s manual recommendations if you can. This is a great starting point. Use the [...]

Heavy Equipment Grease: Tips to Get it Right2018-07-20T17:20:17-05:00

Construction Equipment: How to Protect Your Investment During the Summer

Construction Equipment: How to Protect Your Investment During the Summer - Now that summer’s practically here, it’s time to start thinking about protecting your construction equipment for the hot and humid months. Keeping your equipment cool in the warm weather takes a few methodical steps. In the process, you may discover you need to make some repairs, perform maintenance and do some cleaning. By keeping up with these tasks now, you will ensure a long lifespan for your equipment and guard against unnecessary repairs throughout the season. Heed these tips to protecting your investment. Shade Your Equipment from the Sun When you leave your construction equipment outside sitting in the sun when not in use, particularly for days and weeks on end, this can cause damage that you may not even see with the naked eye. Instead, move your backhoes or trucks into a large storage room or into a shaded portion of the site so they will be less likely to break down when you need them. Heat exposure can do that. You can even drape your equipment with tarps to cut down on direct heat exposure. Don’t Use Equipment During Peak Hours We know, we know: this may [...]

Construction Equipment: How to Protect Your Investment During the Summer2021-03-29T17:12:36-05:00

Fuel Tank Testing: How Often Should I Test?

Fuel Tank Testing: How Often Should I Test? - Are you the manager of a large fleet? You probably realized early on that it’s more cost-effective and efficient to place a fuel storage tank on your property. This way, you can fuel up whenever you need to, without having to call your fuel provider for a mobile delivery every time. However, while convenient, this option also puts maintenance and upkeep on your shoulders. As you are aware, proper maintenance of your tank is imperative. Failure to do this can lead to maintenance issues and costly repairs to the tank or vehicles. It can also be a safety concern, as it could lead to a fire or explosion hazard. You must also remain in compliance with government regulations affecting the testing and inspection that is needed for the public’s peace of mind. Fuel spills, even small ones, can pose a big hazard to people and animals. Those incidents also tend to make the evening news headlines and put your company in a bad light. The best way to ensure you are operating safely is to test your fuel tanks regularly. Here are some tips: Take a fuel sample once a year [...]

Fuel Tank Testing: How Often Should I Test?2024-09-09T05:34:56-05:00

Marina Fuel: Tips to Comply with the Clean Marina Program

Marina Fuel: Tips to Comply with the Clean Marina Program - The State of New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection’s Clean Marina Program puts forth requirements for compliance of certain rules that keep the state’s marinas clean, particularly those serving the Atlantic coastline, the Delaware River and Bay, freshwater lakes, tidal mudflats and deep ocean waters. The DEP developed this statewide Clean Marina Program to protect important habitat areas catering to a variety of species including algae, plankton, shellfish and finfish. The program encourages marina owners, yacht clubs, boatyards and boaters to do their part to prevent negative impacts on water quality, sensitive habitats and living resources that are located close to marinas. Here are some helpful tips to help you comply with the regulations as a responsible marina: Understand the benefits of becoming a Clean Marina: First, educate yourself on how you can benefit from this initiative such as generate new sources of revenue, reduce costs associated with waste disposal, and attract customers that follow good boating practices. Free guidance and technical assistance are available through site visits and at informational workshops. Distribute relevant information to your tenants and boaters at your facility: Show them these helpful Clean Boating [...]

Marina Fuel: Tips to Comply with the Clean Marina Program2018-04-19T09:26:13-05:00

Emergency Generators: Protect Your Business from Power Outages

Emergency Generators: Protect Your Business from Power Outages - Winter is not over – as evidenced by recent snow and rain storms in New England knocking out power in several communities. As a business owner, you can’t afford the downtime that comes with a power outage. Not only is it unexpected, it can last for days, which can really cut into your profit margin. Without power, you can’t operate normally. If you can’t operate, you can’t make money. It’s a vicious cycle, one that can be broken by proper planning. So it’s time to ask yourself: is your business prepared to handle an emergency? If the answer is no, heed these important tips to be ready for any and all future disasters so you don’t miss a beat. A good solution is having a diesel-powered emergency generator on hand, which is one of the more reliable forms of emergency backup power. In fact, several international building codes and standards require the use of diesel generators for compliance. Here are some ways you can ensure backup power in an emergency: Determine the risk: The first step is to identify your facility's critical loads. Put a cost to the risks that come [...]

Emergency Generators: Protect Your Business from Power Outages2018-03-09T15:44:21-05:00

Top 5 Tips for the Ideal Fleet Shop

Top 5 Tips for the Ideal Fleet Shop - If you’re a fleet manager, you may have your own opinions about what the ideal maintenance shop looks like to you. Some of the top common goals may be safer and more ergonomic working conditions for employees, improved productivity with lower costs, and increased focus on green initiatives. How you accomplish all these things will vary by fleet and fleet shop manager. Check out these top five tips for the ideal fleet shop. Establish a physical layout that will best fit your fleet’s needs: Make sure it’s wide enough and long enough, with plenty of space for operation, storage, etc. You may have been so focused in the past on fitting your trucks and tools into your shops that you forgot about adding space for vehicle maneuvering, storage and technician work areas. Add plenty of lighting, both artificial and natural: Adding overhead, ambient and task lighting is critical, as is letting in as much natural light as you can through the ceiling (think skylights). It’s also a good idea to paint the walls white to brighten up the interior. Maximize productivity: When you think in terms of productivity = money, the [...]

Top 5 Tips for the Ideal Fleet Shop2024-09-09T07:05:55-05:00

Extreme Cold: How to Keep Your Fleet Moving

As we get over this latest deep freeze that has affected much of the Northeast, we take the time to reflect on how we can best keep moving. Your fleet is your livelihood. If works grinds to a halt because your machines or equipment can’t work due to the cold or snow, you lose money. Period. How can you stay productive and operate smoothly in cold weather? It all has to do with planning and maintenance. The cold, snow and ice can really do a number on your fleet. In fact, 90% of all winter operability issues are related to moisture. Did you know that diesel engines are five times harder to start when the temperature is at 0 degrees F than at 80 degrees F? This is because the oil is thicker and all that cold resists movement of the internal moving parts of your machinery. Looking to prevent cold starts and fuel gelling? Maintenance is your best option in ensuring your vehicles stay on the move. Failure to give your fleet some much-needed TLC this winter can come back to harm you in the end. Specifically, it’s important to keep an eye on your water separators every [...]

Extreme Cold: How to Keep Your Fleet Moving2024-09-09T01:50:24-05:00

Tips for Disaster Preparation

Tips for Disaster Preparation - Natural disasters disrupt our quiet complacency every once in a while, showing us Mother Nature’s unchained fury. Just take Hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria this last fall for example, with Harvey alone causing the deaths of nearly 100 people and $200 billion in damage. Here in the Northeast, nor’easters, blizzards and ice storms will soon be ripping through the region, causing their own damage and disruptions. To ensure smooth operations during a natural disaster, follow these preparedness tips: Have a plan. When disaster hits, everything is thrown into chaos. The last thing you have time for is to come up with a contingency plan to get fuel for your fleet. Getting the ball rolling quickly means you have a plan, push one button or make one call, and it’s taken care of. Getting that plan in writing so you can refer to it easily is imperative. Taylor Oil works with our clients to create emergency fueling profiles that can be put into action should the need arise. Be prepared to make quick decisions: Indecision will cause even more delays, and you don’t have time for that when an ice storm is barreling down upon your [...]

Tips for Disaster Preparation2017-12-18T09:51:24-05:00

Construction Refueling Plan – Do You Have One?

Construction Refueling Plan - Do You Have One?  - If you don’t have a construction refueling plan, it’s time to come up with one. This is critical in preventing emergencies, especially during the winter. Plus, it helps you smoothly handle your fueling needs without stress. The economy is improving, which is increasing competition in the construction industry. That boost in competition means that only the most efficient and reliable firms will stand head and shoulders above the rest. Failing to have a re-fueling plan for your construction equipment can affect the timely completion of projects. If you can’t complete a job on time, you lose money, time and productivity. Partnering with a responsive fuel provider can make all the difference in developing a strategy to put continuity of equipment-based operations at the forefront. So why do construction delays, failures and setbacks happen? Well, it has a lot to do with management frameworks punctuated by poor planning. There is indeed a cost to bad project management. According to a PricewaterhouseCoopers study reported by Gallup, just over two percent of organizations had a 100 percent success rate in their project management performance. Developing a Plan You may be wondering where you should [...]

Construction Refueling Plan – Do You Have One?2024-09-09T06:56:03-05:00

Winter Fueling Tips

Winter Fueling Tips - With winter coming, we thought we’d give you some handy winter fueling tips. First off, let’s review the difference between off-road diesel and typical diesel fuel. Off-road diesel is designed for use in equipment that doesn’t operate on public roads, such as tractors, farm equipment, construction equipment, generators and off-road vehicles. Regular diesel is meant for trucks that use public roads. Find out if you can use off-road diesel fuel in your equipment: If you’re unsure, check out this list of commercial fuels. You’ll find a wide range of generators, refrigeration units, backhoes, excavators, and many other kinds of construction equipment. In a nutshell, if it doesn’t travel on public roadways, you are permitted to use dyed diesel. Winterize your equipment properly: Use fuel that is designed to improve engine performance and efficiency, with additives that won’t allow your fuel to gel or freeze during the winter. Don’t forget to drain the water separator regularly. If you find that your fuel rail pressure is abnormally low, you’ll have to rethink your fuel storage approach. Lastly, don’t forget to change your filters regularly according to the manufacturer’s specifications. Use the right blend of fuel: If you operate [...]

Winter Fueling Tips2024-09-09T04:22:41-05:00
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