Quarterly Driver Training Tips
Quarterly Driver Training Tips - Is there such thing as too much driver training? Possibly. Some experts say that assigning too much training can ultimately lose its effectiveness over time. This often happens when fleets engage in monthly training assignments for their drivers, whereby they assign a block of training each month and give drivers a certain amount of time to complete it. Assigning safety training monthly across the board could be seen as counterproductive, as it’s not really an effective strategy for enhancing driver knowledge, workplace culture or fleet safety. It may be better to engage in quarterly training instead. Just dropping work and content into someone’s lap and walking away isn’t an effective form of education. There has to be some give and take. You have to be able to review what happens afterwards, make plan adjustments, fill gaps, and involve your drivers. To maximize training effectiveness, you must assess the effect over time so you can make wise decisions based on them. If the training worked great and solved a problem, that’s wonderful. But often times it doesn’t achieve much at all. How do you know the training is working if you just keep assigning work [...]