Underground Storage Tanks: What Are the Risks?

Underground Storage Tanks: What Are the Risks? - Leaks or spills from petroleum product underground storage tanks (USTs) are bad news. They contaminate soil and groundwater, making their way to neighboring properties or surface waters. In addition, they can result in third-party injuries and property damage – not to mention natural resource damage claims. Owners and operators of USTs must comply with regulations, of course. But they should also maintain their tanks and manage finances in an effort to protect themselves against expensive environmental claims, cleanups, and tank removal costs. There are many factors that will affect the risk of a release. Those factors include tank age, tank construction, tank monitoring and maintenance effectiveness, and leak detection type. Spills often occur during delivery of oil or gas into a storage tank, when the hose is connected to the fill pipe and the product is being pumped into the tank. When someone leaves the oil in the hose after disconnection or when there has been an improper hose connection in the first place, spills can occur. They can also happen with an overfilled tank. Leaks are another risk. They most often happen underneath the dispenser island, the spill bucket, submersible [...]

Underground Storage Tanks: What Are the Risks?2024-09-09T06:52:48-05:00

Is Your Tank Warranty Running Out?

The typical warranty on a tank is 30 years. If you suspect the warranty on your oil tank is about to run out, what do you do? Whether you’re having issues with it or not, here are some important considerations on tank warranties. Many tanks are coming up on – or surpassing – their warranty periods throughout the country, putting tank operators in a bit of a quandary. What does this mean for you? About 36 states provide environmental remediation programs to address tank releases at no or low cost to the operators. The other 14 states offer financial relief through some type of private insurance. According to Fuels Market News, nearly 60 percent of tanks are more than 20 years old. Nearly 40 percent are between 20 and 29 years old. Tank materials and construction vary by operator, but most are comprised of fiberglass and steel. But beyond that, there isn’t much data out there as to exactly how many out-of-warranty tanks remain out there, which ones have had problems, and whether there is a correlation between tank age and useful life span. Unfortunately, this leads to a lot of guesswork, but it’s all we have right now. [...]

Is Your Tank Warranty Running Out?2021-01-18T14:43:39-05:00

Onsite Fuel Tanks Can Simplify Fuel Management: Things to Consider

Onsite Fuel Tanks Can Simplify Fuel Management: Things to Consider - There are many factors to consider when it comes to on-site fuel storage, from the benefits of fuel monitoring to cleaning and maintenance costs. And don’t forget about tank transportation, theft prevention and much more. As the source of 98 percent of energy consumed at the average jobsite, diesel is a universal expense for any contractor. As the construction industry continues to grow and change, businesses are forced to find newer, more efficient ways to manage their assets, including fuel storage. Thankfully, on-site tanks are able to simplify fuel management. Check out these things to think about when it comes to a fuel tank purchase on location. Mobility and Capacity The size of the tank directly correlates with how stationary or mobile it will be. Some tanks hold less than 150 gallons, while other containers can hold up to 25,000 gallons. It’s important to start off knowing how much fuel you are using now and how mobile your fuel supply has to be. Not surprisingly, smaller tanks are easier to transport, usually DOT-approved trailer-mounted tanks holding between 200 and 1,000 gallons. These are well-suited to delivering fuel to [...]

Onsite Fuel Tanks Can Simplify Fuel Management: Things to Consider2024-09-09T04:19:11-05:00

Guidelines for the Set-Up and Maintenance of Onsite Fuel for Above Ground Storage Tanks

Guidelines for the Set-Up and Maintenance of Onsite Fuel for Aboveground Storage Tanks - There are many benefits to monitoring your own diesel fuel on site, especially if you have a heavy-equipment fleet. You could get pretty deep discounts when you buy fuel in bulk, plus you don’t have to wait on fuel delivery services to top off your trucks, generators, and machines. That being said, installing and maintaining bulk fuel tanks means you have to comply with many federal, state and local regulations. And when you begin dispensing your own fuel, you are responsible for making sure it is free from water and contamination. Proper storage-tank design and maintenance is critical in this circumstance. Tank Design For construction fleets, above ground storage tanks (ASTs) are an ideal option because they can be easily inspected and painted. They are less likely to have leaks and can also be safely relocated to different areas of your property if the need arises. On the other hand, it’s possible that vehicles can back into them, causing damage, plus they are vulnerable to weather extremes such as high winds and flooding. On top of that, they are also vulnerable to theft and vandalism. You [...]

Guidelines for the Set-Up and Maintenance of Onsite Fuel for Above Ground Storage Tanks2024-09-09T05:33:57-05:00

Fuel Tank Testing: How Often Should I Test?

Fuel Tank Testing: How Often Should I Test? - Are you the manager of a large fleet? You probably realized early on that it’s more cost-effective and efficient to place a fuel storage tank on your property. This way, you can fuel up whenever you need to, without having to call your fuel provider for a mobile delivery every time. However, while convenient, this option also puts maintenance and upkeep on your shoulders. As you are aware, proper maintenance of your tank is imperative. Failure to do this can lead to maintenance issues and costly repairs to the tank or vehicles. It can also be a safety concern, as it could lead to a fire or explosion hazard. You must also remain in compliance with government regulations affecting the testing and inspection that is needed for the public’s peace of mind. Fuel spills, even small ones, can pose a big hazard to people and animals. Those incidents also tend to make the evening news headlines and put your company in a bad light. The best way to ensure you are operating safely is to test your fuel tanks regularly. Here are some tips: Take a fuel sample once a year [...]

Fuel Tank Testing: How Often Should I Test?2024-09-09T05:34:56-05:00
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